Saturday, November 12, 2011

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Well it is Nov 12 and it just snowed last night for the first time this year. I'm grateful that it has waited this long before snowing. It really is beautiful outside today. I'm sure tomorrow I'm going to be cursing winter. But this is getting me in the Christmas spirit. I'm listening to Christmas music as I put this blog together. I think I may break the decorations out soon too. I find that the Christmas season does not last long enough. I remember back when I was going to school in Utah, I somehow convinced my roommates that Christmas should start the day after Halloween. They put up fuss for a bit, but then they got into it and loved that the season lasted so much longer. We decorated and had the music and filled the apartment with Christmas smells. It was wonderful.

I'm really looking forward to Christmas. It is my all-time favorite holiday. Aric's is Halloween, and I love Halloween, but Christmas just brings everyone together around the world. It is such a happy, loving season. Aric is coming around.

I've got plenty of photos of Naomi to put on here. It's so hard to narrow the amount of photos that I post. She is so darn CUTE!
What is this white stuff dad?

Let's hide your belly from the cold

Umm... what do I do with the snow now dad? It's cold.

We have a mesh waste basket that Naomi has been playing with... she so cute when we put it on her head and she walks around with it. This little girl is a such a crack up.

You can often turn around and find Naomi laying around chillin out. Here she is just relaxing watching something on the TV. Once in a while she will get in that position and it looks like she is right into whatever is on. She has started to just lay her head down anywhere now too. The cutest was when we went out to dinner with Aric's mom when she was up. Naomi had had enough and she was tired so she just payed her head on the table. We quickly finished as we knew she was very much ready for bed.

Now to end the blog I leave you with a link to a video of Naomi walking. She just decided one day that she was going to walk.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Halloween and other exciting stuff

Our little black cat.

Happy late Halloween everyone. Here is a video to show what we did with our front hallway, and some photos our little black cat. She was just so cute. With all of the set up of the hallway, Naomi had a blast playing with all the pieces from the zombie hands to the sculls. She even hugged one of the sculls when I asked her to. I tried to snap a photo of it but she was too quick. Someday these decorations will scare her really badly, but now she just loved the black lights and the bones. Here is a link to video that wouldn't post on here. Hope you enjoy.
Enjoying the raw pumpkin that she was eating as we carved our lanterns

Enjoying the decor. She loved the bones. Someday she will not want to touch them I'm sure.

The other day Chelsea brought the kids over to play while Benson was at pre-school and we decided impromptu that it was time for McKay's first haircut. So we got out the scissors and started going when we finally figured out, with my mother-in-laws advice, that feeding him snacks would be the best way for him to hold still. It was a tough job, but we got it done with team work, and lets just he is a STUD now.

The final product

So lately Naomi has been enjoying her torch. We have a little flashlight that fits perfectly in her soother. The first time we did it she just giggles and giggled and giggled. She loves her torch. I had to take some pictures of her enjoying it.

And last but not least... we had our first ultrasound. Within 30 seconds the ultrasound tech knew what we are having. Here's there picture. See if you can figure it out yourself.