Tuesday, January 24, 2012

She is too cute.

So this blog post is just to show off Naomi as she is toooooo cute.
The first photo is one of my new favorites. Does everyone remember Elmer Fudd? I would like you to meet "Gnomer Fudd."

This is Naomi's new dress that Aric's aunt Ruthanne gave her for Christmas. It is just too cute not to take a picture of.

What a little lady

Naomi loves her "nacks"

Here she is so intently reading. She loves to read books, which are very happy about. maybe she will be more like dad in that department.

Seriously she loves hats. This is one that Ruthanne gave me for Christmas, and she has pretty much adopted it.

So this week we have been working on our talking and animal sounds. She repeats a lot of words that we say. Someone asked what words she knows, and it was hard to remember them all. She has picked up to many.
She is so helpful too. This afternoon just before nap time she had a dirty diaper. I asked her to go get a new bum and some wipes. She toddled over to the diaper bag and brought a diaper and wipes. the once we were done. I asked her to take the dirty one to the garbage. She takes it into the kitchen, lifts the lid to the garbage, drops it in there, then closes the lid. I hope this helpfulness will continue in the years to come.
On Sunday, on the way to church, we start to really teach her the sounds some animals make. Here is the link to a video I posted on facebook showcasing the mad skills this little one has picked up.

For those who are interested in how Aric's work is going, he is doing just fine. He has decided that he just has to do everything the Principal says to impress her. That's all he can do really. And we really don't think that she would deny him a contract as that would look badly on her as well. She really is trying to get him to be a better teacher, and he recognizes that. She may be a little more sticky on what she wants and how it is done, but ultimately she is looking to help him out. Although Aric has pretty much decided that he would like to teach FSL instead of immersion. Fair enough. He is doing such a good job, and the kids and parents just love him, which makes him so happy.

I myself am doing well. The baby is kicking a lot now. Sometimes too much for comfort, but that will only get worse from here on in. The heart burn is back full swing! Gotta love it. Really I hate it. One of the worse symptoms I get during pregnancy.

Well I think that is all for now. I hope you enjoyed.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Christmas, New Years and more.


Christmas has come and gone and we have rung in a New Year. Christmas was great. The break wasn't long enough for Aric by any means, as we were babysitting my sisters kids for 11 days over New Years, while they were on a cruise with her in-laws.
It was a challenge, but all survived... and the kids still like us :)

Naomi sometimes likes to snuggle into the shoes and play around and make a mess. Weird child.

Christmas morning. Naomi sporting her new dress that daddy gave her. She has enjoyed her new toys immensely.

Playing with her Marbleworks Castle. It has 3 balls that jingle and go down an obsticle course to come out the castles draw bridge. She just loves it. Behind her you can see her new chair that she loves to sit and read her books in.

Christmas night we had a house full! Graham and Jacqui and kids, Chelsea and Daniel and kids all came over for a visit. We had a chance for all of us to chat with my parents in Samoa on the computer. It was bit caotic, but we loved it. Here McCoy is sporting the new hat and scarf that BJ made for Graham.

Naomi joining in on a game with Auntie Jacqui, Uncle Graham, Daddy and Mommy.

McCoy got into his mom's make up... ha ha ha. He needs to work on his aim and application technique I think.

Enjoying her new chair, with a book near the Christmas tree.

Naomi and her hats :) She might be like me in the hat department... but she definitely takes after Aric in the food department. She loves carrots, fish, raisins and orange juice!!! Gross!

She ran away from bath time and then peed on the floor!!!

Sporting her new hat that her auntie Sharleen made. So cute!!!

So today Naomi decided that she was going to start using her fork for the purpose that is was designed. I took a video of it. On the same video is Naomi showing us where her eyes, nose an mouth are. She doesn't show by pointing... I think you will get a kick out of it.
Follow this link to the video on Facebook.

link #2 is just the little one playing with a pot