Thursday, April 19, 2012

Just a little update.

Well no baby yet. For those of you who do not know, this baby is measuring huge!!!!! The Dr. had me go for an ultrasound at 36 weeks to gauge the size. The tech told me that at the point, give or take a pound to a pound and a half, he was measuring 9lbs 4oz. That was on the 3rd of April. My actual due date is May 1st, heaven help me! We still want to try to have a natural birth this time so we are putting of the c-section until May 3rd. It was originally scheduled for May8th, but we bumped that up so I don't go to far over and have the world record sized baby. As you can guess, I'm getting very uncomfortable. I haven't had any contractions that I can tell. Just a lot of braxton hicks. Everyone cross your fingers that this baby comes sooner than later.
The Dr. told me to try all the old wives tales to get this baby moving. So if you have suggestions, pass them along.

Chelsea comes over usually once a week with her kids so that can get out of the house and not kill her children. Witnesses are key for that. Here we decided to take them into the backyard, since it was so nice outside, and play with bubbles. Oh my did they love chasing those all over the yard.

Here... proof that Kimber is not always tormenting Naomi. It's really cute when we are all out together and Kimber wants to hold Naomi's hand.

After helping mommy put lotion on after bathtime.

Watching Elmo while mom gets dinner ready. We didn't even ask her to smile for this one.

She just loves Elmo.

So we finally got the kids room together so that Naomi can get used to her big girl bed. We decided to keep the 2 kids together in the same room, and in the smaller of the 2 rooms. First we decided to keep them in there because of the drapes. They are too small for the other room. Secondly, the guest bed would take up the entire room if we were to move it to the smaller room. So the kids room is lined with stuff. We removed the rocking chair and rearranged almost everything. The following are the photos to show the changes.

Naomi just loves her new bed. Here she last night, her first night sleeping in it. Boy I'm glad we got a rail, because she moves alot!!! She started facing the other direction. Before we went to bed I went and re-situated her as she was getting close to the end of the bed.